Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Poetry from the wild

A picture says a thousand words, just as few words can paint a picture.

Seeing some compelling visual poetry in these pictures from the wildlife, words came in couplets, to accompany them.

Sharing a small selection of my captions for these beauties.

Those eyes...Hypnotic

नज़र मिल जाए एकबार फिर वो हट सकती नहीं जाने कितनी बातें यह न बोल कर भी कह रहीं दिल से इन आँखों की तसवीर मिट सकती नहीं

The extravagance of colours...

सातों रंग बिखेरता बड़ी शान से जब वह उड़ा 
आसमाँ में सूरज भी एक पल थम दिया मुस्कुरा  

The royal calmness...

ऐसा क्या सुन्दर स्वप्न रहा, न आँख खुलीं न तन चंचल शुभ्र धवल शीत हिमवर्षा में शांत सुन्दर व्याघ्र अचल

The lightness of being...

उड़ जाना है अगले पल यह फूल झड़ जाएगा कल मीठा रस लेकर, ख़ुशी के रंग तू बिखेरता चल

And the coolness of homecoming.

सारी दुनिया घूम ली, ऊंचाईयाँ हर छू लीं

लौटा, आई घरकी याद, आज एक अरसे के बाद
भूला चेहरा दर्पण में दिखा, शांत शीतलता मिली

A kid again

Here's to all the little children, just-about-grown-up teens and those sweet grown-ups who are a child at heart! :)

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd play Hide-n-seek, Hopscotch, Rope-skipping, Captain-captain, Pakda-Pakdi, Nadi-Parvat, Langdi, Saankhli, Potato race, Sack race...

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd have that little "Treasure Box" to collect Beads, Marbles, Sequins, Sea-shells, Colorful pebbles, Golden foil coated coins...

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd believe songs like Ichak Dana Bichak Dana, Hum bhi agar bacche hote, Bacche man ke sacche, NannaMuna rahi hoon...are all written specially for me!!!

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd fight with my friends over- Who has longer hair, Whose mom makes yummier food, Whose school has better teacher, Favorite Color Gems/ Poppins

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd compare height with my friends every week, and make theories on what makes whom grow taller faster- Is it Skipping? Cycling? Or Milk?

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd say Pushmipulyu, Pegasus, Unicorn, Hippogriff, Phoenix, Dragons, Elves, Fairies, Genie, Magic wands, Pixie dust....all really exist!

If I Were A Kid Again, I'd believe one day Krrish/ Spiderman/ Superman/ Santa Claus/ Aslan/ PeterPan/ RaniPari/ BaalVeer would come & meet me! :)
If I Were A Kid Again...hmmm...Actually there is no 'IF' ...the way I'm smiling away writing this, I know i'm still a kid inside :)

If I Were A Kid Again, My daughter would be taller than me, & my son would miss mamma...It's best being a Mom.  

I Get To Be A Kid Again with my kids! :)

(Replug of my fb post on Children's day 2013)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"I want a puppy" said my son...& what followed is fun! :)

So, Dogs are man's best friends. So, ofcourse, a puppy is a child's best friend. My son is so so eager to visit a dog shelter and bring home a little one, that we keep checking out pictures on dog shelters fb pages and save all that catches our eyes...such as this one on the right.

And...when we talk about it  at bedtime, rhymes such as this follow...


I want a cute puppy
In my sweet home,
And I'll get one for sure,
Says my mom.

I love puppies,
I'll name him joy,
I'll play and enjoy,
It'll be like a toy!

It'll lick my face
And ears and nose,
I won't run away
I'll let him come close.

We'll play ball
and Frisbee and chase,
I'll shampoo his fur
And clean his face.

The puppy will grow
and become a dog,
Together we'll walk
And run and jog.

It'll stay with me forever
and become my 
best friend,
His love and mine
Will never ever end.

(Written in teamwork with my dear son)

Sunday, September 07, 2014

मेरे घर चाँद क्यों नहीं आता?

मेरे घर चाँद क्यों नहीं आता?
क्या वह मुझे नहीं पहचानता?
रोज़ रात चमकता  रहता 
जैसे हो मुझे वह आवाज़ देता 

पर जब काले बादल आते 
उनके पीछे क्यों छिप जाता 
आँख मिचौली खेलते उन तारों से 
क्या मैं  हूँ  कम  टिमटिमाता ?

पूरी समझ उसे खा जाऊंगा...
क्या ऐसा है मुझे समझता?
या फिर मेरे घर की बिल्ली 
की म्याऊँ से है वह डरता?

जब वह छोटा पतला दिखता 
उसकी ध्यान रखूं, मन करता 
और जब पूरा गोल-मटोल हो,
लगता उस पर कन्हैया खेलता 

मुझे भी खेलने क्यों न बुलाता?
ऐसे क्यों है मुझे सताता?
कितना हूँ मैं उसे मनाता 
फिर भी रहता मुझे चिढ़ाता 

मेरे घर चाँद क्यों नहीं आता? 

- BhairaviParag 
(In teamwork with my dear son)