Travel. Such a beautiful experience. Be it within or without.
Even when we are back in our routine, sometimes the expansion, the joy, the freedom you have experienced when exploring the wonderful places comes back to you...rushing. The moments when you have felt one with the nature around you...when you felt as expansive as sky, deep as ocean, steady as a mountain, accepting as earth, flowing as spring water through sun and shade. The Travels then travel within...
Words can not capture the beauty, but can go as close as one can be sensitive...The beauty of magnificent lion king in the wild Gir, or children playing on flowery lawns in Kashmir...The adventure of leaving the paved road and exploring the trail on a hill, setting each step carefully, barefoot, taking slippery chappals in hand...revisiting history stored in the stones of a fort or wall paintings in a not inhabited, with changing times...
And what compares to the thrill of swinging higher and higher ( When it is allowed for grown-ups in vacation spots :)) ... otherwise the real kids have monopoly) and treasuring the laughs to remember later...
Yes...all this can come rushing back to you any moment, as it did at 1.30am in night, some 3-4 months back, and a poem flows through you, taking shape in a matter of minutes...and you sit up and jot down with pencil on the last page the first book that your hand catches, in messiest possible handwriting! :-))
Dreamy, i know... Crazy, I agree...Enjoy, anyway... :-)
I Wonder...when I will write something like this again...
यादों की एक उड़ान
एक सागर, एक पर्वत, एक आसमान है मुझ में
एक धरती, एक नदिया , धुप और छाँव इस मन में
एक धरती, एक नदिया , धुप और छाँव इस मन में
शब्दों के जंगल में अर्थों के मोती
हिरणों कि आँखें अश्रु सँजोती...
झरने की छन छन , किरणों का स्मित
बादल कि ममता, पवन की प्रीत
शैशव के संगीत को तिनकों का ताल
सूखे पत्तों पर सिंह की चाल
रात का कम्बल, सपनों का रथ,
छोटी सी पहाड़ी पर ढूंढे है पथ
इतिहास के पन्नों में पत्ते के महल,
गौरव कि गाथा में नियति कि हलचल
झूलों का चेतन , अनुभूति का भान
चलते चलते एक भर ली उड़ान
The first line of your poem says it all. The all-encompassing self, if only we can be in touch with that oneness all the time.Loved this post and the feel it creates for the reader.