Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Joy of Writing

Why blog? 

Because I like to write.

So what do i write? How to decide? Thousands of thoughts and experiences come and go...some stay with me, most don’t. I am not my thoughts or emotions, am i? I'm much more than the sum-total of my Body Breath Mind Intellect Memory and Ego. But some thoughts have it’s own beauty. When these flow as words, they have value.

So, when i am writing something, am i expressing what is at an experiential level? Then it is a poem, even if it may not look like one, in it's form.

When i am analysing from an intellectual level, arguments may follow. So, it has to be credible, based in facts, for a healthy discussion. 

For writing on a social or political issue, analysis and research is important. Because that’s my view, or opinion on those happenings in the world which i care about; not my experience. And these arguments or debates are healthy, too. 

I love to read. And i keep learning from what i read, even after i’ve kept the book aside. When a learning is at वाचन / श्रवण (Reading/ Listening)level or even मनन (contemplation) level, if i express my views on it, that is open to discussion. When the knowledge has reached the level of “निधिध्यास ”, that is, it has become a part of you, like a treasure, that’s when the beauty of the words is at its fullest.

So, for me, that’s the question to ask myself, before trying a hand at putting down thoughts in words. I may quote from a spiritual or religious text; but i will not interpret it, if it has not become a part of me. Because interpretations may involve खंडन (dissent) of someone’s मत (view). For that, first i must study the same thoroughly. That is, मंडन (affirmative study). Then my argument has value, and the debate is actually healthy, but only if i am feeling up to it. Otherwise, i will keep my understanding with myself, or within a conversation with few.

Also, before forming an opinion on a subject, it is essential to study and assimilate the प्रमाण ग्रन्थ (standard source) for the same. If one has just read a commentary on a scripture, or read reference to the topic from other texts, it is not wise to comment.

For me, as an example, though i love the Navkar mantra and many teachings of the Jain dharma, i will never comment on the same, as i have not read the authentic scriptures.

And at the same time, Shrimad Bhagawat is the Pramaan Granth for Shri Krishna’s life and times. If a discussion on the same is happening somewhere, which is based in personal points of view, i may put my inputs if i've understood the topic well from the better source, and if it’s a friendly talk. Or i may just chose to ignore it.

Just a small test –

When i'm writing something that’s not based on facts and figures but comes from a deeper level, i've to ask myself, whether the words are coming like a poem? Am i feeling gratitude for having an opportunity and ability to put the thoughts in words? Feeling the beauty of the knowledge?

Or is it to prove a point? To show that I know better? 
Is it coming from a Sense of Wonder or is it Questioning!?!


If it’s former, Yessss...go ahead, write it...someone reading it may just go back to the practice of prayer or meditation, on their own chosen path, after having a glimpse through the words. It takes a निमित्त (cause) for any action. In total innocence and grace, be that nimitta. It may bring smiles on many a faces!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

A flight within

Travel. Such a beautiful experience. Be it within or without. 

Even when we are back in our routine, sometimes the expansion, the joy, the freedom you have experienced when exploring the wonderful places comes back to you...rushing. The moments when you have felt one with the nature around you...when you felt as expansive as sky, deep as ocean, steady as a mountain, accepting as earth, flowing as spring water through sun and shade. The Travels then  travel within...

Words can not capture the beauty, but can go as close as one can be sensitive...The beauty of magnificent lion king in the wild Gir, or children playing on flowery lawns in Kashmir...The adventure of leaving the paved road and exploring the trail on a hill, setting each step carefully, barefoot, taking slippery chappals in hand...revisiting history stored in the stones of a fort or wall paintings in a not inhabited, with changing times...

And what compares to the thrill of swinging higher and higher ( When it is allowed for grown-ups in vacation spots :)) ... otherwise the real kids have monopoly) and treasuring the laughs to remember later...

Yes...all this can come rushing back to you any moment, as it did at 1.30am in night, some 3-4 months back, and a poem flows through you, taking shape in a matter of minutes...and you sit up and jot down with pencil on the last page the first book that your hand catches, in messiest possible handwriting! :-))

Dreamy, i know... Crazy, I agree...Enjoy, anyway... :-)

I Wonder...when I will write something like this again...

यादों की एक उड़ान

एक सागर, एक पर्वत, एक आसमान है मुझ में
एक धरती, एक नदिया , धुप और छाँव इस मन में

शब्दों के जंगल में अर्थों के मोती
हिरणों कि आँखें अश्रु सँजोती...

झरने की छन छन , किरणों का स्मित
बादल कि ममता, पवन की प्रीत

शैशव के संगीत को तिनकों का ताल
सूखे पत्तों पर सिंह की चाल

रात का कम्बल, सपनों का रथ,

छोटी सी पहाड़ी पर ढूंढे है पथ

इतिहास के पन्नों में पत्ते के महल,

गौरव कि गाथा में नियति कि हलचल

झूलों का चेतन , अनुभूति का भान
चलते चलते एक भर ली उड़ान